Albrecht Schnider was born in 1958 in Luzern, Switzerland. Though the artist’s paintings demonstrate a restrained elegance, their source drawings, swiftly sketched at the end of each day in the studio, are products of a spontaneous, intuitive process. While many of these drawings remain simply exercises, never emerging from their sketchbook, others are singled out by the artist for further exploration. Their oppositions of line and surface, presence and absence, are distilled and translated into the larger, more rigid compositions of Schnider’s paintings. Certain of these hard-edged forms are filled with matte pigment or reflective metallics, while others are left blank. The contiguity and overlap of these planes of color and negative space toy with our sense of perception, leading us to question whether we are gazing at shattered parts of a fragmented whole or the layers and voids of a three-dimensional pictorial window.
After « Instant Phenomenon » in New York (2015), « Landschaften » at OFFSITE Rossinière (2014), « Pastels » in Geneva (2014), « Melancholia of the Verge » in New York (2012), « Raum Falten » in Geneva (2012), it will be our sixth solo show with Albrecht Schnider.