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Otto Meyer-Amden - Oskar Schlemmer - Publisher: Museum of Fine Arts, BASEL - Publications - Marc Jancou


Otto Meyer-Amden - Oskar Schlemmer


Swiss artist Otto Meyer-Amden (1885-1933) and German painter Oskar Schlemmer (1888-1943) first met in the summer of 1911 in Christian Landenberger’s painting class at the Stuttgart Academy. When Otto Meyer moved to Amden in Switzerland in the autumn of 1912, the two peers kept up a prolific correspondence. Their letters bear witness to a deep mutual respect and understanding. This catalogue juxtaposes the drawings and paintings of both artists. In spite of their superficial differences, both reveal a tendency towards geometric abstraction and forms charged with spiritual content. One of the highlights of the catalogue and the exhibition is the display of Schlemmer’s rarely-seen "Fensterbilder" ("window pictures"), which are on permanent loan to the Kupferstichkabinett.


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